The goal of the SUNOSI Pregnancy Registry is to help doctors, patients, and researchers better understand the safety of SUNOSI® (solriamfetol) and other narcolepsy and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) medications used during pregnancy.
Pregnant women with narcolepsy or OSA, who may or may not use wake-promoting medications or stimulants during pregnancy, may be eligible to participate.
Pregnant women who do not have narcolepsy or OSA, but who have been exposed to SUNOSI or other wake-promoting medications or stimulants during pregnancy may also be eligible to participate.
The study collects health information from enrolled pregnant women and their healthcare providers related to their pregnancies and developing babies up to 1 year of age.
Help us learn more about the safety of using SUNOSI® (solriamfetol) and other narcolepsy and OSA medications during pregnancy.
This website is supported by Axsome Clinical Development.
SUNOSI® (solriamfetol) is a prescription medicine used to improve wakefulness in adults with excessive daytime sleepiness due to narcolepsy or OSA.
SUNOSI does not treat the underlying cause of obstructive sleep apnea and does not take the place of any device
prescribed for obstructive sleep apnea, such as a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. It is important that
you continue to use these treatments as prescribed by your healthcare provider.
Alternatively, call the registry team toll-free at
(hours of operation 8.30am – 5.00 pm ET Monday-Friday)